Επιτυχής προσφυγή για μη προαγωγή Αστυνομικού

Τo Διοικητικό Δικαστήριο εξέδωσε στις 1 Σεπτεμβρίου του 2023 την απόφαση του στην προσφυγή υπ’ αριθμόν 340/2018 (Συνεκδ. Υποθ. Αρ. 237/2018 κ.α.) που χειρίστηκε το γραφείο μας εκ μέρους του Αιτητή αστυνομικού, η οποία έκανε δεκτή την εν λόγω προσφυγή και ακύρωσε την διοικητική πράξη προαγωγής στον βαθμό Υπαστυνόμου άλλων αστυνομικών κατά παράλειψη προαγωγής και του ιδίου. Η προσβαλλόμενη πράξη της Διοίκησης που δημοσιεύτηκε στις εβδομαδιαίες Διαταγές της Αστυνομίας στις 25/12/2017 και που δεν προήγαγε τον Αιτητή λόγω συνολικά χαμηλότερης βαθμολογίας σε σχέση με τους προαχθέντες, κρίθηκε από το Δικαστήριο ότι πάσχει ως προς την αιτιολογία που δόθηκε από το Συμβούλιο Κρίσεως κατά την ενώπιον του προφορική συνέντευξη των υποψηφίων. Συγκεκριμένα, το Δικαστήριο αποφάνθηκε ότι η χρησιμοποίηση των σημείων VX  από τα μέλη του Συμβουλίου αναλόγως της απάντησης που δόθηκε στις επιμέρους ερωτήσεις αποτελούν την αντιστοιχία της αριθμητικής απόδοσης μονάδων για τα διάφορα θεσμοθετημένα σημεία κρίσης και δεν ικανοποιούν τη νομοθετική απαίτηση για αιτιολόγηση, καθώς λείπει η παράθεση εκείνων των γεγονότων, στοιχείων και παρατηρήσεων που επεξηγούν τη γενική εντύπωση του Συμβουλίου Κρίσεως.

Regulation and Enforcement in the Digital Age (REDA) 2023

The lawyer of our office, Christiana Markou, as Associate Professor of the School of Law at European University Cyprus (EUC) has participated to the organising committee of the International Conference Regulation and Enforcement in the Digital Age (REDA 2023) which took place on 5 May 2023 at the Cultural Center of the EUC. She was also the Chair of the panel in the session with title “Consumer and Business Law in the Digital Single Market” in the context of which,  the discussed topics concerned the Digital Services Act, AI Liability Directive, AI and the Digital Content Directive.

Our lawyers, Vasilis Antoniou and Eleni Zafeiri, who are also accredited mediators and handle civil and consumer law cases attended the REDA 2023 thereby enriching their expertise and keeping up to date with the most recent legal developments.

Regulation and Enforcement in the Digital Age (REDA) 2019

The lawyer of our office, Assistant Professor Christiana Markou, has organized the international conference of Regulation and Enforcement in the Digital Age (REDA) 2019 as a member of the organizing committee. REDA with hot topics on recent law developments attracts speakers and scholars from around the world. Dr. Christiana Markou has given a speech on data retention law in Cyprus. She emphasized that case law has not been developing in the right direction but there is now a serious possibility for a change as the Supreme Court of Cyprus will examine the matter of the compatibility of the Cypriot data retention legislation with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The presentation and her speech can be found here:

Consent in EU law means consent: Top European Court confirms our views on the application of the law on cookies so far

On the 1st October 2019, the CJEU in Case C‑673/17 has clarified that Article 5(3) of the E-privacy Directive (the so-called Cookie Law) and the GDPR provisions on consent require actively signified consent to the use of cookies. Accordingly, the use of pre-checked boxes (and other ways of inferring consent such as from the act of a user reading a Web page) do not allow for the securing of valid user consent. This approach is consistent with consent requirements in other contexts, such as Article 22 of the Consumer Rights Directive. The said provision specifically states that that pre-checked boxes referring to charges for additional products to be incurred by the consumer when he submits an order for a main product do not constitute valid consent to such additional charges. It would seem that consent means consent under EU law! The approach taken by the CJEU is also consistent with the views expressed a few years ago by Christiana Markou, lawyer of our office, when she illustrated that Data Protection Authorities and other officials were wrong in the way they were interpreting the relevant (cookies) provision of the e-Privacy Directive, perhaps due to the strong business resistance towards the relevant consent requirement. You can find her related work titled Markou, C. Behavioural Advertising and the New “EUCookie Law” as a Victim of Business Resistance and a Lackof Official Determination. Data Protection on the Move: Current Developments in ICT and Privacy/Data Protection (2016), 213–247 here: https://www.springerprofessional.de/behavioural-advertising-and-the-new-eu-cookie-law-as-a-victim-of/7085912

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